Are you Ready to Take Your Business to the Next Level?

Introducing our year-long Entrepreneur Growth Group Coaching Program!

All the courses shown below are included in your bundle.
Click on each tile for additional details.

More Details on What's Included

Each of the courses and/or services shown below are included in the Core Entrepreneur Growth Bundle.

  • Profit First

    The program includes a Profit First Webinar for you and your internal bookkeeper or office manager so you can learn how to implement Profit First in your business and prioritize your profit.

  • Team Mastermind

    Connect with like-minded entrepreneurs and their team members, share insights, and receive valuable feedback.

  • Profit First
    Office Hour Calls

    Profit First Office Hour Support Calls with experts who can answer your questions and help you stay on track. Plus, we'll give you a toolbox with practical resources to help you improve and implement what you've learned.

  • One-on-One Coaching Sessions

    Six one-on one coaching sessions are included, this is a great place for discussion of any ad-hoc strategies.

  • Monthly Small Group Coaching

    Each group consists of 3-4 business owners and 2 industry-specialized business coaching strategists. Groups meet once a month for 2 hours over the course of 12 months.

  • Fix This Next™

    The Fix This Next™ proven process identifies your most important business challenges so you can resolve them now!

  • Sweet Spot Assessment

    This Assessment will show you all the areas that your business is strong in, and indicate which areas should be targeted for improvement.

  • Score Assessment

    This identifies where your business is in 5 categories: Strategy, Customers, Operations, Revenue Management, and Employees.

How it Works and What it Will Do for Your Business

Throughout this program, participants will take part in team mastermind sessions where they can share challenges and solutions with their fellow entrepreneurs and their team members.

The program also includes a Profit First Webinar for the business owner and their internal bookkeeper or office manager. It teaches participants how to implement Profit First, manage their finances, and optimize their profits effectively. Additionally, there will be Profit First Office Hour Support Calls, where participants can get direct feedback and guidance from their coaches on implementing the Profit First system.

Finally, the program offers a toolbox of resources, including templates, worksheets, and other materials to help participants apply what they have learned and continue to grow their business.

The Entrepreneur Growth Group Coaching Program is perfect for business owners who are motivated to take their business to the next level and want the support of a community of other entrepreneurs and expert coaches. Apply now to join this exciting opportunity and achieve your growth goals today!